Mindset – Focus on Breath and Movement – Not Pain & Illness
Susan Stuart
"Thank you for being there for me during some of the toughest days of my life.
I couldn't have done it without you Susan.Shelly
I asked how I could help. “With all the shit that happens to you when you have cancer, exercise is the one thing I can control. The side effects of the illness & drugs have left me unable to walk without aids, so stretching & strengthening will help me regain my mobility & independence.”
After our sessions I asked how she felt. “I feel amazing, more limber, healthier, & I’ve regained my mobility.”
I felt so inspired working with Shelly; her vision, drive & positivity was contagious. I asked how her mindset had shifted? “I have clarity again, I feel more in control of my mind & body. Exercise really reduces the frequency & duration of my depressive episodes. I feel powerful!”
Shelly taught me many things about life during our sessions, I asked what she would say to someone facing a serious health crisis that might be nervous about exercise? “Make the time for it, dig deep & find the motivation. Believe that your life depends on it, an investment in yourself. You & the loved ones around you are worth the effort. “
I asked if she ever felt that exercise might be detrimental to her well-being? “Never crossed my mind, moving in any fashion is better than inactivity. Training with you felt safe, you gave me work arounds to avoid my tumour area & other problem areas. I am so grateful to you for how you helped me during the most difficult time of my life.”
Shelly looks at life from a very different place than anyone else I know. She has stripped away all the ‘stuff’ & focuses on the essentials; a fit body, a calm mind, & a house full of love.
We all need teachers in our lives, Shelly is one of mine!
With love on the journey!